
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

February cold and allergic! How to be saved?

Ubqari Magazine - February 2017

There is a difference between catching a cold or getting an allergy in winters. When one catches a cold, it breaks within three, five or maximum seven days whereas the effect of an allergy lasts a long time. Most of the times the effect of the allergy can be observed even after the season passes. The symptoms include sneezing, itching on the body, constant fever and burning sensation in the eyes. If you take just a little care you can easily go through the season without getting sick and take full pleasure of the season.

With these six methods you can be protected from all types of allergies in winter:

  1. 1.      Cross ventilation: 
    Like summers, cross ventilation is important in winters as well. With the help of the air movement the germs do not gather at one place. While showering or cooking make sure to turn on the exhaust fan as in the presence of moisture germs often accumulate rapidly.
  2. 2.      Clean your carpets: 
    You are advised against the use of too many carpets as this will eliminate a possibility of germs gathering in them and make it easier to clean. If you wish to have carpets despite it then make sure to take care of their cleanliness and vacuum them daily. Also mop the floor with an antibacterial detergent.
  3. 3.      Wash your hands continuously:
    Before eating, after shaking hands with someone and after touching your pet animals make sure to wash your hands. If you wash your hands continuously then the germs will not get a chance to enter your body and you will remain protected from the viruses that occur in winters.
  4. 4.      Use of hot water:
    Hot water kills germs faster than cold water. Use hot water, not only while bathing, but also when washing dishes and clothes. Wooly and thick clothes like pajamas, sweaters, jeans and even bed sheets; wash them with hot water as well. If the temperature is 130 degrees or higher then it is able to effectively kill all kinds of germs.
  5. 5.      Bedroom is the safest room in the house:
    We rest in our bedrooms which is why it's care is the most important. To prevent allergy, most of all you have to clean your bedroom thoroughly. Because you spend time the most in your bedroom hence make sure to keep as less germ producing things as possible. Keep your pets out of your bedroom and do not have any plants either as plants produce carbon dioxide at night which is harmful to the the body.
  6. 6.      More use of garlic and tumeric powder:
    In winters, use of garlic and tumeric powder strengthens your immunity and protects you from infection. Use these materials in your food as this is the best method to save oneself from the viruses.

Tonic for winters:

Half teaspoon of tumeric powder 
One small piece of garlic
Half teaspoon of tea leaves 
One teaspoon of honey 
One and a half cup of water

Method: Add all the above ingredients in the cup of water and stir until it takes the form of a mixture. Before drinking remove the piece of garlic. By drinking half a glass of this tonic in the day once or twice you will be safe against all allergies. The winter season is a very beautiful and can be enjoyed while being protected against allergies using the above given methods. We hope that you use all the ways given above and save yourself from all kinds of infection in the winter.

Winter season! Can you be safe from diseases with proper care? 
If proper care is not taken in winters then you can easily fall prey to different diseases. With the arrival of winter there is a fall in the humidity of the air. Cold and dry air not only affects the face but also the hands and feet negatively. The skin becomes lifeless, dry and rough and many people suffer from eczema. Also the amount of blackheads on the skin increases. Not only the face skin but also the skin of your head is affected which results in hair loss and dandruff. Among skin diseases, peeling of the skin also occurs when you can easily protect your skin with a proper diet and use of lots of water. With the above given advice one can protect onself from all kinds of various diseases.

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